Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Planning for a New Year!

Yes, yes, yes.... I know we haven't even reached the end of June yet, however, I wanted to share a few things I have been working on for the new school year!  I even have a freebie for you!

I have a wonderful plan book that I use each year that helps me stay organized and  makes my life so much easier!  It's a life saver...

If you are ready for a new theme in your classroom, I created classroom job cards for the wall with either an owl theme or a bee theme.  I use owls in my room and I love them, however a teacher friend just changed her décor to bees and it's adorable!

I also want to point out the Look Who Landed in Our Class craft and writing activity for using as a first day of school get to know you activity.

I  make an apple tree that has apples on it with class supplies written on each apple.  The parents can take an apple or two if they would like to purchase materials for the class.  I have the apples all ready for you to print off and use!  I also put this tree up during parent/teacher conference week!  There is a picture of the tree on TpT.

And finally a freebie for you.  This is a behavior chart that I use for students who need a little bit of motivation during the school day.

Well I hope some of these ideas and products make your life a little bit easier when you are getting your classroom ready this fall!  Follow me on TpT for all my new products.  I try to post a freebie each month for my fantastic followers - a wonderful reason to follow me is to get all the alerts!  Have a great summer - relax and enjoy!